Thursday 5 April 2018 – Archdiocesan Museum
17:00 Opening
17:05 - 18:00 Keynote Lecture
18:30 Social Evening
Friday 6 April 2018 – Archdiocesan Museum
9:15 - 11:30 Morning Session
- Neurobiological and psychological correlates of extreme stress – a three-generation study
Monika Fňašková, Ivan Rektor, Pavel Říha - Effect of intensive dance-movement intervention on brain structure and function in healthy senior and patients with mild cognitive impairment
Patrícia Klobušiaková, Sylvie Kropáčová, Adrián Pieš, Irena Rektorová - Affective and cognitive theory of mind in a story-based FMRI task
Martin Jáni, Martin Gajdoš, Tomáš Kašpárek - Effects of theta-burst rTMS on cognitive functions of healthy seniors
Dominik Pižem, Ľubomíra Anderková, Martin Gajdoš, Irena Rektorová - Effect of theta burst stimulation on activations in the visual network: an fMRI object recognition task
Ľubomíra Anderková, Martin Gajdoš, Dominik Pižem, Irena Rektorová - Correlates of stable spatial-frequency patterns of scalp EEG signal with fMRI-BOLD signal
René Labounek, David A Bridwell, Radek Mareček, Martin Lamoš, Michal Mikl, Milan Brázdil, Jiří Jan a Petr Hluštík - EEG power fluctuations and BOLD dynamic functional connectivity of large-scale brain networks
Martin Lamoš, Radek Mareček, Tomáš Slavíček, Michal Mikl, Ivan Rektor - Weighing brain activation – replication of a 19-century experiment
Jan Kremláček, A. Bezrouk, P. Voda, J. Langrová, M. Kuba - Search for brain changes after stimulating creativity with music composing in the classroom: the “Different Hearing” project
Anna Arkhipova, Pavel Hok, Jan Valošek, Gabriela Všetičková, Vít Zouhar, Petr Hluštík
11:30 - 12:30 Lunch
12:30 - 14:30 Afternoon Session
- In-vivo imaging of microstructure parameters of human cervical spinal cord in high angular and spatial resolution
René Labounek, Jan Valošek, Jakub Zimolka, Zuzana Piskořová, Tomáš Horák, Alena Svátková, Petr Bednařík, Pavel Hok, Lubomír Vojtíšek, Petr Hluštík, Josef Bednařík and Christophe Lenglet - Differential effects of sustained manual pressure stimulation according to site of action
Pavel Hok, Jaroslav Opavský, René Labounek, Martina Šlachtová, Miroslav Kutín, Zbyněk Tüdös, Petr Kaňovský, Petr Hluštík - Changes in the central auditory system associated with tinnitus
Jaroslav Tintěra, Oliver Profant, Antonín Škoch, Jan Rydlo, Milan Jílek, Josef Syka - fMRI neurofeedback
Pavla Linhartová, Tomáš Slavíček, Martin Lamoš, Barbora Bednárová, Adéla Látalová, Tomáš Kašpárek - KEFIR - a novel fMRI stimulation system based on opensource software and hardware
Jiří Keller - Multiecho multiband fMRI sequence – first experience
Michal Mikl, Martin Gajdoš, Anežka Kovářová - Robustness of representative BOLD signál in atlas-based parcellations
Martin Gajdoš, Eva Výtvarová, Jan Fousek, Martin Lamoš, Michal Mikl - The influence of head motion on resting state functional connectivity depends on atlas size
Jakub Kopal, David Tomeček, Jaroslav Tintěra Jaroslav Hlinka
14:35 Conclusion of the Main Program
14:45 – 16:00 Satellite workshop
- Functional MRI analysis under Linux
(bring your own notebook wih Linux)